Ed Sparan began his theatre career as an actor in New York City in the 1980’s. In 1990 he moved to San Francisco what he expanded his theatre career to writing and directing. He Was the artistic director of the P.W.A. Theatre ( People With AIDS ) Part theatre, part support group people told their stories of HIV/AIDS and the theatre created plays to educate and entertain. This endeavor sparked in Ed his legacy in life to educate about HIV/AIDS using theatre arts and the visual arts. He was at The PWA Theatre from 1990 to 1993 and wrote the play “Berts Big Bed” This was a hit which ran for a year and was done in several regional LGBTQ theatres. He came to Orlando in 1994 to Direct his play and decided to stay in Florida and relocated to Ft. Lauderdale. In the late 1990s he worked with The Public Theatre of South Florida as Production Manager and occasionally took an acting job In New York and always came back home. In 2002 very active as a director Ed found out he was HIV positive. This fuel his passion even more writing more plays about HIV, ” Positive Purgatives” ” Ciao Mark” “Last Gay Man On Christopher St.” “For Everhard” ” The Why Chronicles” This experience fueled not just theatre but also artwork. Ed began to explore clay and mix media sculptures. As a speaker and educator he used his writing and artwork to inform and educate about HIV/AIDS. This lead him to 2014 and he became the Director of The World AIDS Museum and Educational Center for 6 years. the only AIDS museum ... view more »

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