Laura Atria

Laura Atria

   6511 Northeast 20th Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33308

Laura Atria is a professional artist based in Florida. In 2020, she was commissioned by President Joe Biden to create multiple banner murals for his S. Florida Presidential Campaign. She currently has many murals placed throughout the state including the Florida Keys and was commissioned by Broward County’s Cultural Division to complete a mural at Port Everglades. In addition to her studio work, Atria is a public art administrator for multiple municipalities.

Atria’s newest series, Chapter 2: They’re Trying Their Best, is made possible with support from the Broward County Cultural Division through a grant she received in 2021. The series is an expansion of her previous series Messy Hair, Messy Hearts. This new series focuses on the next phase of the feminine. These female portraits do not represent any woman in particular, rather Atria finds herself in each of the personified characters. She invents and documents these women in a desire to process past traumas and better understand herself. Chapter 2 is an elaboration of her previous portraits creating a further dialogue of the individual’s internal and external struggle to be. The characters represented in this series intuitively tell stories which she hopes allow the viewer to achieve a sense of healing and self-definition on a larger scale and more active expression. She is partnering with multi-instrumentalist and producer tiny.blips and Inner Ocean Records to create original music and video collages based on the series.